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Public Happiness Index:Why Subjective Well-being is Higher than Satisfaction?

作  者: ; ; (覃雷);

机构地区: 华南理工大学公共管理学院

出  处: 《公共管理学报》 2015年第2期68-82 156,共16页

摘  要: 对公众幸福指数测量结果进行数据结构分析,本文旨在探究幸福感高于满意度的原因,以及背后所折射的各种社会矛盾。从主观幸福感内涵出发,借鉴罗纳德·英格哈特范式,采用层次分析法及专家咨询调查构建测量指标体系,在全国7个省市及广东省的实证研究结果显示:公众主观幸福感(感性幸福)与现实生活质量满意度(理性幸福)存在明显反差,幸福感远高于满意度。究其原因,不仅与模型所包含的个人及家庭、社会、政府、自然环境、评价技术等因素及中国传统文化特质密切相关,更是社会经济转型背景下公众理想与现实落差的强烈反映。置于公共管理的视域,政府善治仅为公众幸福一个维度,政府与其不断提出更多的"幸福承诺",不如转变理念、优化职能、放松管制,激活民间活力,让公众真正掌握自身的"幸福权"。 The objective of this paper is to explore why subjective well-being of the public is higher than the satisfaction and what kind of social contradictions are lying behind,based on a measurement and structural analysis of the happiness index. The AHP method as well as expert consultation was adopted to build the indicator system,which developed from the one-item scale invented by Ronald Inglehart. An empirical research conducted in seven provinces(2011)and Guangdong(2010-2013)reveals that the subjective well-being is about 30% higher than the satisfaction. To explain it,this paper finds components of the happiness index,such as family,circumstance,government,have positive correlates with the result,as well as the measuring technique and Chinese culture. And this also reflects that the discrepancy between individual aspiration and achievement is growing wider in China during its social and economic transformation. In conclusion,this paper argues not only may good governance improve public service and happiness,but also converting the concept and accelerating the change of government functions,when owning 'true happiness' is the right of all people.

关 键 词: 幸福指数 幸福感 满意度 政府绩效 幸福权

领  域: [经济管理] [社会学]


作者 覃雷
作者 冯淇
作者 卢扬帆
作者 卞潇
作者 吴章艺


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学公共管理学院


作者 张书军
作者 张建梅
作者 张恩施
作者 彭劲松
作者 徐来