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Extra-cavity mutual injection phase-locking of two fiber lasers

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 武汉军械士官学校

出  处: 《光电子.激光》 2009年第7期890-892,共3页

摘  要: 提出了一种获得相干合成激光输出的新方法。利用45°半透半反分束镜和角锥反射器,通过对两路独立振荡光纤激光器(FL)成功实现外腔式能量相互注入锁相输出,在远场观察到清晰稳定的干涉条纹(可见度约0.5),获得了功率约400mW的相干合成激光输出,功率合成效率接近80%。整个互注入锁相系统中的元件均采用高功率器件,因此本方法可以在更高功率条件下运行。 A novel extra-cavity mutual injection phase-locking fiber laser combining technology based on a corner-cube and a beam splitter with reflectivity of 50% at 45° is proposed,and the mutual injection condition is introduced.Mutual injection phase-locking of two individual double clad fiber lasers is experimentally demonstrated,steady interference stripes with high contrast ratio(about 0.5)are observed and about 400 mW output power is achieved which indicates that the power combining efficiency is approximately 80%.No power-limitation optical components are utilized in the phase-locking system and the output power can be further up scaled.

关 键 词: 光纤激光器 相干合成 互注入锁相 外腔

领  域: [电子电信]




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