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Analyzed the Change of Rock Desertification in Karst Aren of Lianjiang

作  者: ; ; (王兮之); (魏兴琥); (李辉霞); (梁钊雄);

机构地区: 国土资源

出  处: 《广东土地科学》 2016年第1期29-39,共11页

摘  要: 以粤北岩溶区连江流域为研究对象,利用1988年和2013年的2期LANDSAT遥感数据,在GIS和FRAGSTAT景观格局分析软件支持下,定量地分析连江流域的土地石漠化类型变化及其景观格局时空动态特征。结果表明:25年来各种类型石漠化土地无论是在数量、面积和空间分布特征方面都发生了十分显著的变化,总面积减少117.34 km^2(32.76%),斑块数增加3246块;石漠化由1988年的重度、中度石漠化为主转变为2013年以中度、轻度石漠化为主。25年来轻度石漠化土地面积增加45.98 km2(106.41%),具有明显增加的趋势。中度、重度和极重度石漠化土地面积均减少,减少面积分别为40.60 km^2(27.13%)、118.42 km^2(75.35%)和4.31 km^2(52.60%)。连江流域石漠化土地的总体景观空间格局动态变化在程度上有所差异,表现为景观异质性减弱,破碎度降低,而景观优势度增加;景观丰富度密度0.0013,面积加权的平均斑块分维数在l.0554—l.4176之间,处于最大域值l—2的下段;景观形状指数在43.4155—407.0628之间;斑块密度和边界密度的都很小,分别处在0.3624个/100 hm^2—11.9723个/100hm^2和1.1476 m/hm^2—137.0875 m/hm^2之间,表明各类景观嵌块体的几何形状较复杂,被分割的程度较低,破碎化现象不明显,空间异质化程度低,总体多样性程度不高,丰富度较小。 This article takes Karst-influenced Lianjiang Watershed in Northern Guangdong as the research object, the article have interpreted non-karst district and karst district imagery respectively, and have constructed karst district and non-karst district classification system. With GIS and FRAGSTAT landscape pattern theory, the typical Karst landscapes and spatial temporal dynamic of rock desertification land change in Lianjiang Watershed were analyzed based on translated data from remote sensing images in 1988 and 2013.The Lianjiang Watershed is divided into karst district and no-karst district based on it's geological map. With practical situation in the basin and the land use classification system, the no-karst district is divided into 9 types of landuse: cultivated land, garden plots, forest land,shrubland, grass land, construction land, water area and unused land. According to development degree of rocky desertification and whether it is occurred in the karst district or not, we divide the karst district into rocky desertification land and non-desertification. The non-desertification is divided into 5 types of landuse: cultivated land, garden plots, forest land, construction land and water area. According as the theory of ecological datum plane, we classified the rocky desertification lands into five grades as potential, light, middle, serious, and extremely serious in the rocky desertification land, graded each rocky desertification land with indexes which including rate of outcrops, form of karst physiognomy, gradient of the earth's surface, thickness of soil, coverage degree of mantle rock, degree of soil erosion, coverage rate of vegetation, plant and types of land use. The results indicate that:the area of rock desertification decreased respectively by 117.34 km^2(32.76%), but the patch number increased 3246 blocks from 1988 to 2013. The main types of rock desertification have changed from serious and medium of rocky desertification to the medium and light during the 25 a. During the remote sensing monitorin

关 键 词: 岩溶区 土地石漠化 连江流域 景观格局

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 雷蓉


机构 华南农业大学


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