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The Parasitic Characteristics of Cuscuta spp. and Their Utilization

作  者: ; ; (等);

机构地区: 中山大学生命科学学院

出  处: 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第6期49-53,共5页

摘  要: 菟丝子属CuscutaL 为旋花科的寄生草本 ,该属的一些种的种子是中药药材。种子有休眠特性 ,在土中寿命很长 ,温度、湿度和种子在土壤中的深度影响种子的萌发出苗。田野菟丝子C .campestris千粒质量为0 5 6 8g ,种子所贮藏的养分只能维持幼苗短期的自养生长。种子繁殖和断枝繁殖是菟丝子属植物繁殖的重要途径。在暖温带地区 ,菟丝子属植物在冬天下雪后枯死 ,靠成熟种子越冬 ,翌年春天萌发 ,并侵染寄主。广东沿海的田野菟丝子的枝条可安全越冬。菟丝子属植物的寄主广泛。田野菟丝子在广东有分布 ,但未成灾。田野菟丝子在外来恶性杂草薇甘菊MikaniamicranthaH B K 上易寄生 ,导致薇甘菊死亡 ,这一特性有可能应用于大面积控制薇甘菊危害。实验表明 ,用田野菟丝子断枝直接寄侵野外生长的薇甘菊不易成功 ,而用种植于营养袋的大豆作为田野菟丝子过渡寄主 ,然后用已在大豆上寄生的田野菟丝子作为寄侵源来控制薇甘菊的生长是可行的。 Cuscuta spp are parasitic species belonging to Convolvulaceae. The seeds of some species are traditional Chinese herbs. The dormancy period of the seeds of Cuscuta spp was very long. Temperature, humidity and the depth of the seeds can affect the germination. The seed of C.campestris weighted 0 568 g per 1 000 seeds. Reserve in a seed could only provide a short autotrophic period. In temperate zone, Cuscuta spp. depend on their seeds to over through winter. Seeds might germinate and then infest host plants in the following spring. In Guangdong province, shoots of C.campestris can stay alive in winter. Cuscuta spp have wide ranges of host. Infested crops suffered and might caused total lost. Chemical, biological and cultivation means were used to control Cuscuta spp C campestris distributed in Guangdong Province but has not posed a disaster. C campestris easily infested exotic Mikania micrantha and caused the hosts dead and might be used to control M micrantha. Since it was difficult to infest M micrantha in the field using C campestris fragments, infested soybean raised in nutrient bags were used as a transition host.

关 键 词: 生物学特性 菟丝子属 寄生植物 薇甘菊 中药 杂草防除 旋花科

领  域: [生物学] [农业科学]


作者 郑子豪


机构 华南农业大学


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