机构地区: 华南师范大学化学与环境学院化学系
出 处: 《电池》 2002年第5期277-279,共3页
摘 要: 研究了Fe2 O3 在 9mol/LKOH溶液中的溶解行为以及溶出铁对锌腐蚀的影响。通过定量和定性分析表明 ,Fe2 O3 在9mol/LKOH溶液中能够溶出。析氢实验表明 ,溶出铁加速了锌粉的腐蚀 ,其作用机理为在碱液中的铁能够与锌发生置换反应并在锌上沉积 ,沉积铁与锌粉构成微电池 ,氢在铁上析出 ,从而加速锌的腐蚀。 The solubility of Fe 2O 3 in 9mol/L KOH solution and corrosion of zinc powder in the solution with dissolved Fe 2O 3 were studied By qualitative analysis, it was found that Fe 2O 3 could be dissolved in 9mol/L KOH solution By measuring the volume of hydrogen evolution and analysing iron in the zinc powder, it was found that iron deposited on zinc from the solution and hydrogen evolution was enforced, so that the corrosion of zinc powder was accelerated
关 键 词: 碱锰电池 电解液 溶出 危害 三氧化二铁 锌粉
领 域: [电气工程]