机构地区: 华中科技大学机械科学与工程学院
出 处: 《工程力学》 2002年第6期166-170,共5页
摘 要: 根据旋转壳体的结构特点,利用有限条法对其进行分析达到降维目的;对流场则提出了一种特殊的边界单元,这种边界元不仅能与结构的有限条单元协调,而且计算量小,精度高;在此基础上,通过凝聚降阶进一步减少流固耦合系统的控制方程。对典型浸水旋转壳的振动频率、模态以及响应作了全面分析,获得了理想的数值分析结果。 A method is presented for the coupled vibration analysis of rotating shells submerged in liquid. In order to improve computing efficiency, the finite strip (FS) technique is used to analyze the rotating shell. As for the liquid area, a special boundary element (BE) is proposed. Compared to classical BEM, this BE not only guarantees the continuity condition on the liquid-shell interaction plane, but also has less unknowns. By combining the shell governing equations for shell and liquid and using the continuity conditions, the shell-liquid system抯 governing equations are further simplified. The method has been applied to a typical segmented shell-liquid system, and the natural frequencies, mode shapes and response of vibration are calculated numerically. It is shown that the method of this paper has good efficiency and precision in computing, and can cope with arbitrary rotating shell-liquid system easily.