机构地区: 广州体育学院
出 处: 《西安体育学院学报》 2002年第4期70-72,共3页
摘 要: 通过现场对九运会女排比赛发球类型、区域、位距、落点和效果进行统计分析 ,结果表明 :国内女排发球类型呈多样化和相对集中的趋势 ,跳发球运用比例上升 ;发球效果一般 ;发球区和位距选择战术意识有所加强 ;发球落点较集中 。 By the match observation and statistics,the authors study the services of the women′s volleyball matches during The 9Th National game. Through some analysis We found that firstly the type of services has been diversified and the remains in certain types of them; secondly the ratio of jumping services has been increased; thirdly the effect of services remains in average level; fourthly the playing sense of how to choose a proper area and distance to the ball has been improved; lastly the concentration of the services-landing point indicates that the application of certain technique and tactics during the match still remains in fair stage.