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Invulnerability of Clustering Wireless Sensor Network Towards Cascading Failures

作  者: ; ; (符修文);

机构地区: 河南科技大学

出  处: 《计算机研究与发展》 2016年第12期2882-2892,共11页

摘  要: 无线传感器网络(wireless sensor network,WSN)级联失效对象多以对等平面结构为对象,但在现实情形中,多数无线传感器网络采用典型分簇结构进行数据采集与传递.因此,考虑分簇传感器网络中节点所拥有连接的异质性,引入感知负载与中继负载等概念,建立分簇级联失效模型,探讨分簇无标度网络和分簇随机网络的级联失效抗毁性能与模型关键参数之间的关联特征,并研究如何选取合适的簇头节点扩充容量达到抑制网络级联失效规模的目的.数值模拟与理论分析结果表明:分配系数A与网络级联失效性能正相关,簇头比例p与网络抗毁性能负相关.当调节参数α=1时,网络级联失效抗毁性能达到最优;当调节参数α<1时,选取簇-簇连接度较小的簇头节点扩充容量能够更为有效地提升网络级联失效抗毁性能;当调节参数α>1时,选取簇-簇连接度较大的簇头节点扩充容量抗毁性能提升效果更为明显;当调节参数α=1时,网络级联失效规模与簇头选取策略无关. Current researches of cascading failures of wireless sensor n e t w o r k(W S N)mainly focus onpeer-to-peer(P2P)structure.H o w e v e r,in real scenarios m o s t of sensor n e t w o r k s always collect a nddeliver environmental data via clustering structure.T h e r e f o r e,th r o u g h observing the heterogeneity ofconnections in clustered ne tworks,w e construct a cascading failure m o d e l of wireless sensor n e t w o r kb y introducing the concept of“sensing load”a n d“relay load”.Besides that,w e discuss the relevantfeatures b e t w e e n k e y parameters of cascading m o d e l a n d invulnerability of t w o typical clusteringtopologies(i.e.,scale-free topology a n d r a n d o m topology).In order to constrain the scale ofcascading failures,w e also discuss h o w to select cluster heads to enlarge their capacity to achieve thispurpose.T h e simulation a n d theoretical results s h o w that the n e t w o r k invulnerability is negativelycorrelated to the proportion of cluster heads p a n d positively correlated to the allocation coefficient A.W h e n adjustment coefficient a=l9the invulnerability of the n e t w o r k is optimized.W h e n adjustmentcoefficient a〈l,choosing cluster heads with fewer cluster-cluster connections is a m o r e efficient w a yto e nhance the n e t w o r k invulnerability.W h e n adjustment coefficient choosing cluster headswith m o r e cluster-cluster connections is m o r e cost-effective.W h e n adjustment coefficient a=1,thescale of cascading failures is not related to the selecting s c h e m e s of cluster heads.

关 键 词: 无线传感器网络 级联失效 分簇结构 抗毁性 无标度拓扑 随机拓扑

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


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机构 中山大学


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