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Dalbergia prazeri Prain(豆科)之考证
A revision of Dalbergia prazeri Prain( Leguminosae)

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 生物资源保护与利用湖北省重点实验室

出  处: 《广西植物》 2016年第5期615-618,共4页

摘  要: 在发表Dalbergia prazeri Prain时Prain曾认为其与托叶黄檀(D.stipulacea Roxb.)近缘,只是该种小叶背面疏被微柔毛,花萼被硬毛与托叶黄檀不同,同时又指出其荚果也与后者不同,但是并没有解释其不同点。之后Prain又将其归并入奥氏黄檀(D.oliveri Gamble ex Prain),亦未给出相应的理由。经研究D.prazeri Prain与南岭黄檀(D.assamica Benth.)为同种,而被归并入后者。Prain发表该种时引证Prazer s.n.为模式,但并没有指定主模式。涉及该种的Prazer s.n.的标本共有6份,该文将藏于印度国立标本馆加尔各答馆(CAL),条形码为CAL0000012326(CAL标本号131311)的标本指定为后选模式(lectotype),其余分别藏于加尔各答标本馆的4份及英国皇家植物园邱园标本馆(K)的1份为等后选模式(isolectotype)。 When published by Train,Dalbergia prazeri Train was reported closely related to D. stipulacea Roxb., exceptfor the sparse pubescence on the leaves beneath and the hirsute calyx. He also noted the pods of the two species are totallyunlike without any explanation. Thereafter he reduced the name to D. oliveri Gamble ex Train without explanation either.Critical studies revealed that it is conspecific with D. assamica Benth. Therefore,D. prazeri Train is reduced to synonymunder D. assamica Benth. There are 6 sheets of the collections of Trazer cited by Train. The sheet in the herbariumCAL, with digital code CAL0000012326 (herbarium No. 131311) is selected as lectotype of this name. Of the remainingcollections 4 sheets in CAL and 1 sheet in K are selected as isolectotypes.

关 键 词: 黄檀属 考证 后选模式

领  域: [生物学]




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