机构地区: 华侨中学
出 处: 《韩山师范学院学报》 2016年第5期26-30,102,共6页
摘 要: 从明代寇乱到清初斥地,东南沿海持续了长达两百多年的社会动乱对处于王朝版图边缘的达濠岛产生巨大的影响,伴随着明清两代中央政权对地方控制的弱化、更迭与重建,引发了一系列的社会变迁与官民互动。达濠村寨的建立是在明朝中央政权无法维持地方秩序情况下,达濠民众力求自保的表现。至今依然在达濠岛上流传的"许公生祠"传说,则反映了达濠民众对展界后清政府设立达濠营和修建达濠城、强化了中央王朝对达濠岛的统治、重建达濠社会秩序的肯定。 From the insurgence in the Ming dynasty to land expansion in the early Qing dynasty, socialupheaval in the southeast coastal area, lasted for more than two hundred years, has a great effect on Dahao Is?land, which located at the edge of dynastic territory. As the central control of Ming and Qing dynasties weak?ened, changed and rebuilt, a series of social changes and interaction between officials and civilians arose. TheDahao village was built under the circumstance when the central authority in the Ming dynasty was unable tomaintain the local order. It was the reflection that the people there strived to protect themselves.The legend ofTemple of President Xu, which still spreads wide among Dahao Island, reflects the approval of people in Dahaofor the central authority in Qing to set up Dahao camp, built the Dahao city to strengthen the central authority’srule over Dahao Island and reestablished the social order in Dahao after reopening the land.