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The Effect of Fly Ash on Domestication of Sulfate-dependent Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 桂林电子科技大学生命与环境科学学院

出  处: 《生态环境学报》 2016年第8期1387-1394,共8页

摘  要: 为了研究粉煤灰对硫酸盐型厌氧氨氧化(S-ANAMMOX)驯化过程的影响,采用两组平行的已启动亚硝酸盐型厌氧氨氧化(N-ANAMMOX)反应的上流式厌氧污泥床反应器(UASB),一组投加粉煤灰载体(U2),另一组不投加任何载体(U1),对比观察了N-ANAMMOX反应在转变为S-ANAMMOX反应的过程中脱氮除硫的变化,以及驯化完成后颗粒污泥的特性。结果表明:在运行的前期(1~123 d),对照组U1的脱氮除硫效果优于实验组U2,而在运行的后期(124~144 d),实验组U2的脱氮除硫效果优于对照组U1。第144天,进水NH_4^+-N和SO_4^(2-)的质量浓度分别为140 mg?L^(-1)和533 mg?L^(-1),U2对NH4+-N和SO42-的去除速率分别是86.68 mg?L^(-1)?d^(-1)和94.34 mg?L^(-1)?d^(-1),而U1对NH_4^+-N和SO_4^(2-)的去除速率分别为67.65mg?L^(-1)?d^(-1)和22.64 mg?L^(-1)?d^(-1)。此时,U1中颗粒污泥粒径较大,结构松散,其表面被大量的分泌物和硫颗粒包裹;而U2中颗粒污泥粒径较小,结构紧密,其表面的分泌物和单质硫明显减少。由此表明,在一定基质浓度条件下投加粉煤灰,经较长时间的适应后,体现出粉煤灰对S-ANAMMOX驯化的促进作用。 Two groups of parallel up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactor, which had started from nitrite-dependent anaerobicammonium oxidation (N-ANAMMOX) were used in order to investigate the effect of fly ash on domestication of sulfate-dependentanaerobic ammonium oxidation (S-ANAMMOX). Fly ash (as carrier) was added in one UASB (U2) and the other one without flyash as control (U1). The changes of ammonium and sulfate removal efficiency from the process of N-ANAMMOX transformed toS-ANAMMOX, and the characteristics of granular sludge were concerned. The results showed that, the removal efficiency ofammonium and sulfate in U1 were better than in U2 as the operation process at the early stage (1~123 d); while the result was exactopposite as the operation process at the later stage (124~144 d). On the 144th day, the mass concentration of ammonium and sulfatewere 140 mg?L-1 and 533 mg?L-1 in these two UASB, respectively. The removal rate of ammonium and sulfate in U2 were 86.68mg?L-1?d-1 and 94.34 mg?L-1?d-1, respectively; and the corresponding value of U1 were 67.65 mg?L-1?d-1 and 22.64 mg?L-1?d-1,respectively. The results from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) suggested that the sludge particle size in U1 was larger but lesstight as compared to U2 at the end of the experiment. Furthermore, the granular sludge surface of U1 was coated with considerablesecretions and element sulfur particles, however, this phenomenon was not obvious in U2. Our research results explicated that fly ashwill promote the reaction of S-ANAMMOX at a certain substrate concentration after a period time of domestication.

关 键 词: 粉煤灰 硫酸盐型厌氧氨氧化 脱氮除硫 颗粒污泥 载体

领  域: [环境科学与工程]




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