机构地区: 华南农业大学
出 处: 《亚热带植物科学》 2016年第2期131-134,共4页
摘 要: 对广东高明云勇林场的火力楠Michelia macclurei 纯林及其混交林2004~2007 年的生长状况进行调查。运用多重比较方法分析上、中、下坡位的火力楠地径、树高、冠幅。结果表明,4 年间(林分当年至3 年生)所有样地的火力楠幼树平均地径、树高和冠幅均有显著增长。坡位对火力楠的地径生长具有显著影响,各坡位的火力楠平均地径为上坡>中坡>下坡,而坡位对树高和冠幅的影响不明显。 The growth of Michelia macclurei on pure and mixed plantations was investigated from2004 to 2007 in Gaoming Yunyong forest farm. Ground diameter, tree height and crown width oftrees in upper-, middle- and down-slope positions were analyzed by multiple comparison analysis.The results showed that the average ground diameter, tree height and crown width of M. macclureitrees in the three plots slope positions significantly increased from 2004 to 2007. Slope position had asignificant impact on ground diameter growth of M. macclurei, and average ground diameterdecreased in the order upper-slope position > middle-slope position > down-slope position, whereaseffect of slope position on tree height and crown width was not obvious.
领 域: [农业科学]