机构地区: 华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院
出 处: 《中国电机工程学报》 2002年第11期87-91,共5页
摘 要: 利用HVDC系统的快速响应能力,可以在不增加附加设备的条件下,有效抑制交直流联合输电系统中发生的次同步振荡。该文以特征值尽可能位于远离虚轴的左半平面为目标,提出应用遗传算法解决控制器参数优化中的极大极小值问题,以适应动态系统运行条件大范围的变化。与传统的基于极点配置的设计方法 相 比 较,该 文 提 出 的 方 法具有设计简便、智能化程度高、控制器鲁棒性好的优点。将所提出的方法应用于一个典型的带串联电容补偿的AC/DC联合输电系统次同步阻尼控制器的设计,特征值法和时域仿真结果都表明所设计的HVDC附加次同步阻尼控制器能在较大范围内变化的负荷条件和补偿度下有效阻尼次同步振荡。 HVDC is considered as a promising countermeasure to damp out the subsynchronous oscillations existed in the AC/DC power system because of its fast response and no any additional equipments required. A novel approach based on Genetic Algorithms is applied to design the controller to shift all of the closed-loop eigenvalues to the left-hand side of complex s-plane. The problem of selecting the parameters of the controller is converted to a minimax optimization problem solved by a modified genetic algorithm. Compared with the modal control theory, the proposed method has the following advantages: simple and convenient, intelligent and robust. The suggested technique is employed to the design of a supplementary subsynchronous damping controller in a parallel AC/DC system with a series capacitor. The eigenvalue analysis technique and detailed simulation results demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.
关 键 词: 遗传算法 电力系统 次同步阻尼控制器 设计 直流输电
领 域: [电气工程]