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The Biomass and Water-Holding Capacities of Some Forest Communities of Baiyunshan Scenic Spot,Guangzhou

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (林书豪);

机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院

出  处: 《华南农业大学学报》 2002年第4期41-44,共4页

摘  要: 对白云山风景区几种主要森林群落的生物量进行了测定 ,并对乔木层、灌草层、枯落物层和土壤层的持水状况进行了初步研究 .结果表明 ,乔木层及灌草层生物量大小顺序均为马占相思 +木荷群落 >马尾松群落 >马占相思群落 >藜蒴群落 >加勒比松群落 ;枯落物层现存量为马尾松群落 >藜蒴群落 >马占相思 +木荷群落 >马占相思群落 >加勒比松群落 ;5个群落各层的自然持水量为土壤层 >乔木层 >灌草层 >枯落物层 (马尾松群落为灌草层 >乔木层 ) ;群落各层总的自然持水量顺序为马占相思 +木荷 >马占相思 >马尾松 >加勒比松 >藜蒴 . A preliminary study on the biomass,forest litter remnant amounts and water holding capaities of five forest communities of the Baiyunshan Scenic Spot,Guangzhou showed that the order of community biomass was Acacia mangium Schima superba>Pinus massoniana>Acacia mangium>Castanopsis fissa>Pinus caribaea and that the order of litter remnant amounts was Pinus massoniana>Castanopsis fissa>Acacia mangium Schima superba>Acacia mangium>Pinus caribaea . Differences in natural water holding capacities of the different strata of the communities were remarkable and the capacity order was soil stratum>tree stratum>shrub herb stratum>litter stratum,with the exception of Pinus massoniana where shrub herb stratum>tree stratum. The community of Acacia mangium Schima superba had the highest total natural water holding capacity,followed by Acacia mangium,Pinus massoniana,Pinus caribaea and Castanopsis fissa in a decreasing sequence.

关 键 词: 白云山 森林群落 生物量 持水性能 白云山风景区 广州市

领  域: [农业科学]




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