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Relationship Between PSⅡ Excitation Pressure and Content of Rubisco Large Subunit or Small Subunit in Flag Leaf of Super High-Yielding Hybrid Rice

作  者: ; ; (林桂珠); (阳成伟);

机构地区: 中国科学院华南植物研究所

出  处: 《植物学报:英文版》 2003年第8期929-935,

摘  要: 研究了大田生长条件下两系超高产杂交水稻(Oryza sativa L.)“两优培九”和我国大面积推广的三系杂交水稻“汕优63”从灌浆期到收获期剑叶PSⅡ光化学特性和Rubisco大、小亚基含量的变化。结果表明:可溶性蛋白质和叶绿素含量随剑叶生长时间的延长先缓慢下降,后期有一个快速降解的过程,“汕优63”降解的速率高于“两优培九”;Fv/Fm和qP都呈下降的趋势,qN则是先降然后上升。激发压(1-qP)在前期的变化较为平稳,后期则急剧增加,“汕优63”较“两优培九”增加快。Rubisco大、小亚基的含量与叶绿素、可溶性蛋白含量一样在前期下降比较慢,后期也有一个快速降解的过程,“汕优63”比“两优培九”降解快。激发压的增加与Rubisco大、小亚基的降解呈显著的线性相关性。我们推测PSⅡ激发压的急剧增加可能诱发了水稻剑叶的快速衰老过程。“两优培九”高产的重要生理原因之一,可能是它比“汕优63”有更强的光合能力并能维持更持久和较高的光合功能期。 The changes in photochemical features of Photosystem Ⅱ (PS Ⅱ) and contents of Rubisco large subunit (RLS) and small subunit (RSS) in flag leaf from 75DAS to 113DAS (from filling to harvesting stages) were investigated in two hybrid rices (Oryza sativa L) cv. Liangyoupeijiu and cv. Shanyou 63 grown in the field. Liangyoupeijiu is a super high-yielding rice and Shanyou 63 has widely been planted in China in these years. The results indicate that soluble protein and chlorophyll in both cultivars degraded slowly at first and dramatically thereafter. The degradation speed of soluble protein in Shanyou 63 was faster than that in Liangyoupeijiu. Both Fv/Fm and qP decreased in parallel with leaf senescence, whereas qN fell at first and then rose. No significant change in excitation pressure (1-qP) was found before 89DAS but a sharply increase in both cultivars after it occurred. Excitation pressure rose more rapidly in Shanyou 63 than that in Liangyoupeijiu. The changes of RLS and RSS content exhibited the same trend as that of soluble protein content. A better linear correlation between RLS, RSS degradation and elevation of (1-qP) were shown in both cultivars. We suggest that the increase in PSⅡ excitation pressure possibly induced the quick senescence process in rice flag leaf. The high-yielding of Liangyoupeijiu may be due to its maintenance of stronger photosynthetic capacity, longer and more stable photosynthetic functional du-ration than that of Shanyou 63.

关 键 词: 激发压 水稻 剑叶 衰老

分 类 号: [Q94]

领  域: [生物学]




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