作 者: ;
机构地区: 华中师范大学历史文化学院
出 处: 《华中师范大学研究生学报》 2005年第3期125-131,共7页
摘 要: 武昌蛇山南楼(即古代的鄂州南楼)在近千年历史中屡废屡建,在南楼存续期间,历代的文人墨客慕名而来登楼赋诗者络绎不绝,并被很多人误以为它就是东晋大将庾亮所登过的南楼。历史上,蛇山南楼的兴衰是与古鄂州城和南草市的兴衰息息相关的。在新的历史时期,有着悠久历史的蛇山南楼有必要充分发掘其丰富的文化內涵和深厚的人文底蕴,使其重展昔日风采,从而推动武汉地区旅游经济的发展。 Shesban mount South Building in Wuchang of Hubei province was ruined and built again and again in nearly one thousand years during which scholars poetized out of admiration for a famous place in a continuous line. A lot of peol thought by mistake the South Building that Yuliang, a general of the East Jin Dynasl The rise and decline of the building was concerned with the ancient Ezhou town and t Nancao market. Nowadays, we should reappear its elegant appearance with its rich cultul intension and profound details, and promote the development of local turism.
领 域: [历史地理]