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Study on Accumulation and Elution of 125 Ⅰ from Byssus of Perna viridis

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学生命科学学院

出  处: 《中山大学学报论丛》 1996年第2期132-135,共4页

摘  要: 通过翡翠贻贝(Pernaviridis)足丝对125Ⅰ的积累与洗脱实验,初步探讨了125Ⅰ在足丝中积累的代谢机理.实验结果表明,活体贻贝的足丝对125Ⅰ的浓缩因子为离体足丝的4~5倍,说明足丝对125Ⅰ的吸收存在一个主动运输的过程.离体以后,经过变性处理(烘干或三氯乙酸浸泡)的足丝比不经处理的足丝的浓缩因子高2~3倍,可能是由于变性处理导致足丝表面结构的改变,从而使机械吸附作用增强.4种洗脱液(05%EDTA-Na,1%KI,01mol/LNa2S2O3和海水)对洗脱百分率的影响存在着显著差异,其中以1%KI对足丝积累的125Ⅰ的洗脱率最高,其余三者相近,由此推断,125Ⅰ以离子形式进入足丝后。 This paper has studied accumulation and elution of 125 Ⅰ from byssus of Perna viridis ,and then preliminarily discussed the metabolic mechanism of 125 Ⅰ accumulated in the byssus The results of accumulation and elution experiments showed that Concentration Factors (CFs) of byssus in vivo were 4~5 times as high as that of byssus in vitro ,which demonstrated that byssus of the mussels actively absorbed 125 Ⅰ from ambient seawater Separated from mussels’ bodies, the byssus denatured with stoving or trichloacetic acid (TCA) concentrated radioiodine 2~3 times higher than untreated byssus This phenomenum might be caused by change of superficial structure of the byssus There existed marked differences between elution from contaminated byssus by four eluents (0 5% EDTA-Na, 1% KI, 0 1 mol/L Na 2S 2O 3 and seawater) The highest elution percentage created by 1% KI, and the other three eluents had a similar lower value Therefore, it was concluded that the majority of 125 Ⅰ accumulated in byssus was in collodial form a compund of 125 Ⅰ and certain byssal proteins

关 键 词: 翡翠贻贝 足丝 积累 洗脱

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 孟增璐
作者 王学琳
作者 陈国林
作者 严若谷
作者 吴沫


机构 中山大学地球科学系
机构 广东省社会科学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟