机构地区: 中山大学生命科学学院
出 处: 《中山大学学报论丛》 1996年第S1期12-15,共4页
摘 要: 斑节对虾白斑病是白斑综合症杯状病毒所致,根据病毒形态结构大小和寄生部位分为3个种株,2个种株为细胞核杆状病毒,1个种株为细胞质杯状病毒.细胞核杆状病毒第1种类型其完整病毒粒子为杆状纺锤形,偶见双粒包埋病毒粒子;细胞核杆状病毒第2种类型其完整病毒粒子为杆状细长形,两端钝圆.细胞质杆状病毒在宿主细胞质中复制、装配和成熟,多数为细长形,一端较细,另一端较粗.白斑综合症杆状病毒对外胚层和中胚层来源的组织器官造成广泛性的坏死,尤以鳃、甲壳表皮和造血组织为甚. By using electron microscopy, three strain of baculoviruses were found in cul-tured Penaeus monodon with white spot syndrome, twe of them were present in nucleus of host cell, one of them was present in cytoplasm of host cell. According to the morphology of the virus and its location in host cell, we think that there are three strain of bac-uloviruses in the P. monodon with white spot syndrome.