机构地区: 华南濒危动物研究所
出 处: 《中山大学学报论丛》 1995年第3期165-167,共3页
摘 要: 1980~1986年,对广州某养鹿场圈养的东北亚种的梅花鹿后代进行了观察,发现它们的长茸期、发情配种期、产仔期较原产地的东北梅花鹿有所不同.表现在脱盘长茸提早,整个长茸期比东北梅花鹿长了1个多月.广州圈养梅花鹿在2月就开始脱盘长茸的占13.1%,最迟的在6月,占2.6%,3月与4月是长茸高峰期,分别占32.2%与34.9%,5月份占17.1%.梅花鹿公鹿在7月下旬开始发情,母鹿在8月中旬发情配种,至次年1月,10月是发情配种的高峰期.母鹿产仔最早在4月,占8.6%,最迟在8月,占5.7%,5月与6月是产仔高峰期,各占42.9%与30.3%,7月占12.5%整个发情配种期比东北梅花鹿的长了2个多月,母鹿的产仔期也长了2个多月广州圈养梅花鹿每年换毛两次,第一次换毛在3月上旬至5月上旬,是脱冬毛长夏毛,第二次换毛在7月下旬至9月,是脱夏毛长冬毛. On the basis of our study on the descendant of Dongbei sike deer (Cervus nipponhortulorum Swinchone) rearing in Guangzhou during the period of 1980 - 1986, some biological characteristic changed of animal have been observed. First, the growth period of anlter in Guangzhou occurred earlier and lasted a month longer than that in Dongbei. It began as early as in February (13. 1%) and ended in June (2. 6% ), with a peak between March and April (32.3% and 34.9%, respectivly). While Dongbei sika deer started to grow anlter from April to June and ended in July. Second, in Guangzhou rutting occurred frow late July to next January, the period of female esturs was from mid - August to next January and reached peak in October. Birth began in April (8.6% ), ended in August 5. 7 % ), with a peak between May and June (42. 9 % and 30. 3 % ). Rutting of Dongbei sika deer occurred from mid - August to late Novenber reached peak late September to early October. Moult took place two times a year, first time from early March to early May,Second time from last July to September.