机构地区: 中南工学院
出 处: 《中国核科技报告》 1996年第S1期81-82,共2页
摘 要: 核电站人员可靠性是确保核电站安全、经济运行的最直接的重要因素之一。该工作以认知科学、行为科学和人机工程学为工具,从人的认知行为特性、行为形成因子、人因失误机理和组织管理等侧面系统地研究了核电站系统人员可靠性问题; Human reliability in nuclear power plants is one of key factors in nuclear safety and economic operation. According to cognitive science, behaviour theory and ergonomics and on the bases of human cognitive behaviour characteristics, performance shaping factors, human error machanisms and organization management, the project systematically studied the human reliability in nuclear power plant systems, established the basic theory and methods for analyzing human factor accidents and suggested the feasible approaches and countermeasures for precaution against human factor accidents and improving human reliability. The achievement has been applied in operation departments, management departments and scientific research institutions of nuclear power, and has produced guiding significance and practical value to design, operation and management in nuclear power plants.
关 键 词: 人员可靠性 核电站安全 人因事故 行为形成因子 人机工程学 组织管理 失误机理 行为科学 行为特性 认知科学
领 域: [核科学技术]