机构地区: 黑龙江省农业科学院
出 处: 《中国蜂业》 2012年第Z2期21-23,共3页
摘 要: 测定杂蜂花粉、天然成熟蜂粮和不同酿制时间人工蜂粮样品的平均pH值,结果分别是6.09、4.12和4.11。随着酿制时间的延长,人工蜂粮的pH值下降,3日龄人工蜂粮到4日龄人工蜂粮,下降速率明显。发酵完的人工蜂粮与天然成熟蜂粮的PH值相近。 The measurement of impurity of bee pollen,bee bread and different from the natural maturity time artificial bee bread samples the average pH value,the results are 6.09,4.12 and4.11.Along with the fermentation time,artificial bee bread pH decreased,3 days of age artificial bee bread to 4 days of age artificial bee bread,decline rate.After fermentation the artificial bee bread and natural bee bread similar to mature pH.