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Study on underground water resources conservation and protection measures for Karez

作  者: ; ; ; (王力); (安鹏);

机构地区: 中国水利水电科学研究院

出  处: 《中国水利水电科学研究院学报》 2016年第2期129-137,共9页

摘  要: 坎儿井是在用的古代著名水利工程,也是我国重要的水利遗产,目前面临消亡的危险。针对这一问题,本文通过当地水环境演变趋势分析,重点分析了机电井对坎儿井出水量的影响;通过吐鲁番盆地山前冲积扇蓄洪入渗地下水技术论证,提出蓄洪入渗补给地下水的鱼鳞坑或拦洪坝技术方案,并进行了入渗效果分析;通过坎儿井破坏机理与加固技术研究,提出自旋式锚杆挂土工格栅喷(抹)混凝土的加固方案,修建了一处示范工程;最后对坎儿井地下水涵养技术进行研究,对非灌溉期和灌溉期农闲水量进行了预测,提出农用机电井和设置反滤回灌井回灌农闲水的两种技术方案,并通过现场试验验证了回灌效果。 Karez water system is the famous ancient irrigation project, which is still in use. It is China'sgreat heritage, but now in the danger of dying. Aiming at this issue, this paper analyzed the local water en-vironment evolution process, and explained the effect of electro-mechanical wells on the water yield ofKarez. The technical demonstration indicated the infiltration of flood storage into underground water at alluvi-al cone in the front area of mountains at Turpan Depression. Thus, this paper proposed the use of fish-scale pits and flood barriers to supply the underground water. The permeation analyses proved the efficiencyand effectiveness. Furthermore, the research on the failure mechanism and reinforcement technology of Karezwas also conducted. Accordingly, the reinforcement scheme of using self-screwing anchor bolt hanging withgeogrid and spraying(or wiping) concrete was proposed. This proposed scheme was validated by a demonstra-tion project. Finally, the research of underground water resources conservation of Karez was carried out. Ac-cording to the calculation and prediction of abundant water volume during non-irrigation period and irriga-tion period, two different water recharge solutions were proposed: agricultural electric-mechanical wells andrecharge well with a filter layer. The on-site recharge tests validated the feasibility and effectiveness of theproposed methods.

关 键 词: 坎儿井 地下水资源涵养 蓄洪入渗 加固处理 农闲水回灌

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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