机构地区: 华南师范大学法学院法学系
出 处: 《仲裁研究》 2004年第1期20-30,共11页
摘 要: 本文探讨了中国区际仲裁裁决相互承认与执行的法律现状,分析了澳门仲裁制度的发展和解决内地与澳门相互承认与执行仲裁裁决的最佳途径,深入研究了内地与澳门相互承认与执行仲裁裁决必须解决的若干问题,为内地与澳门达成“相互承认与执行仲裁裁决的安排”提出了合理化建议。 The article discusses the present legal situation on the mutual recognition and enforcement of China inter-regional arbitration awards,analyzes the development of the arbitration system of Macao and the main issues on the mutual recognition and enforcement arbitration awards between the mainland and Macao SAR. Based on their studies,author gives the suggestions how to conclude an arrangement concerning mutual recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards between the mainland and Macao SAR.