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Exploring destination spatial competition rules:A case study of Hunan province

作  者: ; ; ; (王甫园);

机构地区: 湖南师范大学旅游学院

出  处: 《地理研究》 2017年第2期321-335,共15页

摘  要: 旅游地空间竞争是旅游地理学的经典课题,研究意义重大。按照理论演绎—假设提出—实证检验的范式,从旅游者目的地选择时空行为视角重新审视和辨析旅游地空间竞争现象,并据此提出相关理论假设,再以湖南省为研究区域,采用问卷调查获得市场对目的地选择的基础数据,对假设进行检验,得出旅游地空间竞争的4项基本规律:1旅游地竞争优势等级处于不均衡的动态变化中;2旅游地竞争优势的轮换式消长形成客源轮换机会分布的分级圈层结构;3旅游地轮换式竞争格局体现在消费者出游决策次序的先后排布;4细分市场的选择偏好增强旅游地轮换机会分布的均等化趋向。研究进一步揭示了旅游地空间竞争时空格局的内在逻辑,拓宽了旅游地空间竞争的研究视角,同时给旅游地发展以及区域旅游的开发和管理实践提供新的参考。 Destination spatial competition is a classic topic in the field of tourism geography and provides meaningful research for maximizing visits to a particular destination. This paper reports on a study to reexamine and explore destination competition rules based on destination choice behavior following the research paradigm that includes theory deduction, proposal of a hypothesis and empirical study. First, a research hypothesis was proposed for destination spatial competition rules using current destination choice and destination competitive literatures as a foundation. Second, an empirical study was conducted aimed at testing these hypotheses. Specifically, using the concept of a relational data model usually applied to social network analysis for reference, an analytical tool called a "circulant matrix" was developed for describing the dynamic changes of destination choice. Then, a case study was conducted using Hunan province, China as the chosen region for analysis. A method of systematic sampling(n=1913) was adopted to collect data in Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan province, using a structured questionnaire. Participants were asked to report their demographics and which 31 destinations within Hunan province(excluding the Changsha urban area) they have or would choose in two cross-sections(i.e., destinations that tourists have chosen over the past years and those they will choose in the future). Finally, the analysis of the sample database revealed four important basic competitive rules, including:(1) The levels of destination competitive advantage change dynamically, but the extent of this change is not equal for every destination;(2) Owing to rotating destination choice behavior(i.e., tourists take turns choosing a destination from among a set within a region), the regional tourism spatial competitive process is characterized by this rotation, meaning the distribution of opportunity exhibits a hierarchical structure and thus a specific set of destinations will receive

关 键 词: 选择 旅游地 旅游者 空间竞争 规律

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 刘丹萍
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机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院
机构 华南师范大学增城学院旅游管理系


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作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟