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Invasion and potential impacts of the first alien carnivore in China:American minks(Neovison vison) in Altai region,Xinjiang

作  者: ; ; ; ; (黄元骏);

机构地区: 中国科学院动物研究所

出  处: 《科学通报》 2017年第4期279-288,共10页

摘  要: 北美水貂(Neovison vison)引入至欧洲后,逃逸扩散至欧洲大部分地区.北美水貂对当地中小型动物构成危害,并可能携带病原,已被定性为入侵物种.近年新疆阿尔泰山南部的森林公园和自然保护区均有北美水貂记录,本课题组在阿勒泰野外考察中也发现了北美水貂.北美水貂在中国境外的阿尔泰山北部已有入侵种群,不排除中国境内的北美水貂为境外入侵.北美水貂为我国首种外来入侵的食肉类动物,为机会主义捕食者,受其影响的物种多.因而,预测北美水貂的潜在分布区,调查潜在受影响物种十分必要.本文从野外调查、潜在适生区、受影响物种及野生动物疫病等多个角度评估了北美水貂在我国的入侵风险.全球范围的适生区模拟显示,除原产地外,欧洲、中亚阿尔泰山地区及我国长江中下游流域亦为北美水貂的主要高适生区.北美水貂对当地特有水禽和鱼类的影响较大,应重点关注新疆地区特有小型鱼类.此外,我国和水貂生态位相似的欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)、亚洲小爪水獭(Aonyx cinerea)、江獭(Lutrogale perspicillata)处境濒危,增加了北美水貂入侵的成功率.我国为水貂养殖大国,三大水貂疫病在我国均有暴发记录,且被证明可传染至野生动物,故应加强对国内毛皮兽养殖的生态安全评估. American minks(Neovison vison), which cause great impacts on local small and median sized animals through direct predation and diseases tramission, had been characterized as an invasive species worldwide. As well-known fur animals, American minks were introduced to Europe in early 20 th century, and to China in mid-20 th century. American minks spread nearly entire Europe soon after escaping from fur farms in European countries, and they had already established naturalized population in northern Altai Mountain in Russia for years. Northern Altai Mountain is one of the main distribution areas of American minks in Russia. In recent years, American minks were reported in southern Altai mountains(Altai region, or Chinese Altai) in Xinjiang, China. American minks occurred in forest parks and national nature reserves in Altai region. Earlier records in China were misidentified as European minks or both of them. Based on field survey and photo identification, we confirmed that all these records were belong to American minks. Although American minks had been imported to China for over half a century, now they were found in wild in north-western China instead of eastern China, where had more mink farms. Thus American minks found in Chinese Altai may be border-crossing invaders. Through field survey and investigation, American minks were not rare in the forest parks and nature reserves of Chinese Altai region, thus we suggested that American mink had already established populations in China. We discussed the potential impacts of American minks invasion in China through habitat simulation, potential prey and competing species, and wildlife diseases. We discussed the current status of otters in China, which had similar niches to minks. Using MaxE nt model for habitats simulation at global scales, we predicted climate-suitable areas for American minks. We find that coastal regions of North America, south tip of South America, Europe, Eastern Asia, North Africa, South Eastern Australia and New Zealand harbor highly sui

关 键 词: 北美水貂 外来物种 阿尔泰山 适生区模拟 野生动物疫病

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 刘芳琴
作者 黎明华
作者 魏少俊
作者 侯松岭
作者 高建红


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 广州航海学院


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林