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The Analysis of Discourse Representation Strategy of the Post-colonialism:From the Perspective of the Orientalism

作  者: ;

机构地区: 罗定职业技术学院

出  处: 《鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第1期25-29,共5页

摘  要: "东方主义"(Orientalism)原是研究东方各国历史、文化、文学等学科的总称。然而,这种理论形态并非像其他社会科学理论那样体现研究的客观性与中立性,相反,它蕴含着强烈的西方殖民主义意识形态和政治权力欲求,其所构建的"话语—权力"结构形塑了宗主国政治、经济文化、观念与边缘民族(东方)的二元对立,是西方帝国主义彰显其文化优越性,对东方实施文化殖民的有效策略。对东方主义话语表征策略进行剖析,不仅有助于作为第三世界的东方识别那些由西方殖民主义所形塑的知识形式与社会特性,而且有助于作为边缘地带的东方发出自己的声音,从而实现文化话语的真正全球化。 "Orientalism" is a generic term which studies such subjects as history, culture, and literature of the oriental countries. Unlike the other social science theories reflecting the objectivity and neutrality of the studies, this theory contains a strong ideology and political power desire of the western colonialism and the structure of "discourse-power" shapes the binary opposition of the suzerains and the marginal nations in poli- tics, economy, culture and concept. For "Orientalism", the Orient is just an imaginary foil of the suzerain "White Myth" and it just defames itself in the face of the colonialism's cultural hegemony. As a political mir- ror, "Oriental Myth" is the effective strategy by which the Western imperialism reveals its cultural superiority, and the West controls the Orient and implements cultural colonization. Analyzing the discourse representation strategy of the Orientalism not only helps the East as the third world to identify the form of knowledge and so- cial characteristics shaped by the Western colonialism, but also helps the East as a margin to give out its voice and realize the real globalization of the cultural discourse.

关 键 词: 东方主义 权力话语 镜像 他者

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 张其学
作者 周庭华
作者 李方阳
作者 刘凤娇
作者 周凌敏


机构 暨南大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚