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Aggregation Analysis of Institutional Repository in the Field of Library and Information Science

作  者: ; ; (古婷骅);

机构地区: 中山大学资讯管理学院

出  处: 《图书情报知识》 2016年第6期95-106,共12页

摘  要: 开放获取的机构知识库资源是网络信息资源聚合对象的一个重要组成部分,目前机构知识库资源的可聚合性直接影响聚合实现的效率和质量,本文在论证可聚合性分析框架的基础上,调查OpenDOAR中图书情报领域开放存取资源的分布情况,相关政策以及数据开放方式来回答这一问题。调查结果显示,图书情报领域的机构知识库的资源能够在一定程度上满足信息聚合需求,但仍存在中文资源可聚合数量较为缺乏等问题,而版权许可问题是目前资源聚合的最大障碍。本文最后提出了机构知识库的聚合策略。 Open access resources in institutional repositories is the important parts of network information resources of aggregate objects,at present resources in institutional repositories directly influence the aggregation efficiency and quality.The resource aggregation of institutional repository can make up the issue of discipline and major setting's lack of consistency in institutional repository's organization mode.Organization mode taking key knowledge of disciplines as nodes is easier for user to utilize.Secondly,aggregation can avoid the failure to realize unified standard and unified platform as well as the failure to realize the sharing of knowledge point network caused by the form of multiple software.Last but not least,through visual knowledge chain display technology,aggregation can even open the access at the knowledge level within the scope of copyright permission,thus breaking through the previous limitation of copyright because of which the full text cannot be obtained and the usefulness of information's content cannot be recognized.Data collection is conducted through investigating the distribution conditions of open access resources of library and information field in OpenDOAR,relevant policies and data access modes.The investigation time is from February 2016 to March 2016.Following conclusions are obtained through analysis results:(1)Aggregation conditions of multilingual resources are equipped.English resources occupy the majority while the amount that can be aggregated of Chinese resources is relatively insufficient.(2)The supply of aggregation resources is guaranteed,but the resource updating cycle is long.(3)The types of aggregation resources are diversified.Traditional journal articles and academic dissertation still take a leading role and there is still a big demand in non-textual resources.(4)The issue of intellectual property is the biggest obstacle to realize aggregation.(5)Data open access mode provides foundation for aggregation.Adopting OAI-PMH interoperability

关 键 词: 图情领域 机构知识库 信息聚合 开放获取 版权 可聚合性

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 陈雨杏
作者 马翠嫦
作者 李宾
作者 罗泰晔
作者 曾小英


机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 深圳大学


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作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟