作 者: ; ; ; ; (徐曼頔); (吴中浩); (郝豪杰);
机构地区: 江南大学数字媒体学院
出 处: 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 2016年第10期1688-1698,共11页
摘 要: 为了在非真实感绘制中模拟画家色彩思维的主观模糊性,研究了融合模糊色技术马赛克风格渲染.该技术首先对输入图像按局部细节层次进行三角剖分,得到不同大小的三角面片集合,模拟画家对景物的结构分析思维;然后对源图像的色彩信息进行转化,获得每个三角面片上的模糊色,模拟画家观察景物色彩时的主观模糊性;最后采取可订制的模糊赋色策略渲染为马赛克风格图像,模拟画家赋色时的主观模糊性.结果显示,提出的技术可以较好地模拟不同艺术家的赋色思维.同时还构建了一个马赛克渲染原型英语,用户可通过选取预设的赋色策略快速获得大量不同结果. This paper presents a non-photorealistic rendering method combining fuzzy color models with mosaic rendering to emulate the fuzziness of color usage. The method first triangulates the source image based on its local details, to emulate artists' methods of observing and analyzing the image structures. Then, it converts the color from the source image to obtain the fuzzy color for every triangle. Finally, it renders the triangles by a customizable fuzzy coloring strategy to emulate artists' painting methods. The results show that the proposed method achieves good simulation of different artists' coloring strategies. Using the rendering application based on the proposed method, the user can quickly achieve many renderings in different coloring strategies by our mosaic rendering prototype.
关 键 词: 非真实感绘制 模糊色 马赛克渲染 三角化 图像处理
领 域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]