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Issues with Distributed Energy Supply System in China

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学天然气利用研究中心

出  处: 《中外能源》 2016年第7期1-5,共5页

摘  要: 中国自2004年开始发展分布式冷热电联供(DES/CCHP),但进展缓慢,根源恐怕是现行生产关系束缚了新的生产力发展。DES/CCHP发展的外部经济边界条件主要是天然气与电的比价,驱动力是在市场机制下以提高能效而获得经济效益。中国天然气终端售价3元/m^3,CCHP项目发电燃料成本已超过0.6元/(k W·h),而上网电价仅0.5元/(k W·h)多一点,天然气与上网电的价格比与市场机制倒挂。国内天然气消费价格脱离市场经济规律的根源在于行政定价制约了上游开采的积极性,多层垄断大幅推高了中游的输配费用,利益博弈和行政干预推高了终端消费价格。而国内上网电价违背经济规律的症结在于,完全垄断电力输配的电网公司其眼前利益左右了电力价格的形成机制。另外,现行管理体制的核心是DES/CCHP项目由政策主导,驱动力是"示范项目"的财政补贴。行政管理机制不仅制约了DES/CCHP产业的发展,也束缚了我国DES/CCHP技术自主创新和系统优化的空间。DES/CCHP未来将成为以可再生能源为主的智慧能源网络的基本供能单元,将成为向低碳能源转型的主战场。未来15~20年间,应在新开发的工业园区和城区普遍推广天然气DES/CCHP,以天然气CCHP替代既有城市终端燃煤,促进互联网+智慧能源建设。 China began developing a distributed co-supply system of cool,heat and power (DES/CCHP for short) in 2004 but has achieved only limited progress so far.The root of this slow progress should be :The existing production relationship poses a constraint on the development of a new productive force.The main extemal economic boundary condition required for the development of the DES/CCHP is the ratio of natural gas price to power price and the driving force is the acquisition of economic benefits through im- provement of energy efficiency in a market-driven system.China's natural gas price at the user end is three yuan/m3 and the fuel cost of a CCHP project is more than 0.6 yuan/kW'h,hut the on-grid power tariff is only 0.5 yuan/kW.h,meaning that the gas price/on-grid power tariff ratio hits an inversion.The fundamental causes of gas consumption prices' deviation from the law of market economy are :Administra- tive pricing has damped the production enthusiasm of the upstream sector, monopoly at multiple levels has dramatically pushed up the midstream transmission and distribution costs and the game for interest and ad- ministrative interference have pushed up final consumption prices.The crux of domestic on-grid power tariffs' deviation from the law of economy is the immediate interest of grid companies,which have a full monopoly of the power transmission and distribution sector, has decisively affected the formation of a power pricing mechanism.In addition,at the heart of the existing management system is a policy-guided DES/ CCHP project and the driving force is a subsidy from the national finance for a demonstration program. The administrative system has not only restricted the development of the DES/CCHP sector but has also compressed the room for technical innovation and system optimization for DES/CCHP technology in China. The DES/CCHP technology will become the basic energy supply unit of a smart energy network based on renewable energy and will be the main battlefield for transition to use of lo

关 键 词: 分布式冷热电联供 天然气 上网电价 市场机制 智慧能源

领  域: [动力工程及工程热物理]


作者 谈超风
作者 罗家喜
作者 朱红娟
作者 何滔
作者 曾超华


机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院


作者 黄彦瑜
作者 黄嘉涛
作者 欧晓万
作者 曾云敏
作者 张鼎华