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Modern Olympic Games:Internal Structure and Governance

作  者: ;

机构地区: 东莞理工学院体育系

出  处: 《武汉体育学院学报》 2016年第7期95-100,共6页

摘  要: 《奥林匹克运动会的内部结构性问题审视》所提出观点具有一定争议,研究通过争鸣予以进一步明确。研究认为:基于国家、地域和经济等要素差异,现代奥运会奖牌呈现国家、区域、洲际差异属正常现象;而举办、参与现代奥运会主体的目的各异,亦属于基于奥林匹克宪章的有效发挥。研究从确定内部结构性问题原则出发,提出奥林匹克的内部机构性问题主要表现为国际奥委会自治限度与相关组织治理间的张力问题;国际奥委会的收益与主办国之支出间的冲突问题;奥运会单独申办和联合申办的对立问题;奥运会参赛项目间的更替问题。针对性改革路径为:基于利益共容的视角推动运动项目发展;削减国际奥委会的收入份额,补贴主办城市的办赛开支;推动奥运会联合申办,设置科学、严苛的申请要求;保证传统项目的发展,对优秀地区性运动项目给予关注。 The opinions in Review of the Internal Structure of the Olympic Games are controversial.The distribution of medals at the Olympic Games was different according to the countries,regions and continents.Even though the purposes of hosting and participating in the Olympic Games of different countries were different,they demonstrated the effective play of the Olympic Charter.Problems of the internal structural mainly came from the limitations of the autonomy and governance of the International Olympic Committee(IOC)and relative organizations,the conflicts between the IOC and the host country in benefits and expenditure,the biding for the Olympic Games by just one country or by joint countries,and the replacement of the sports events etc.To solve the problems,promotion of the sports events should be based on mutual interests.There should be a cut of income of the IOC and a increase in the funding of the host cities.Joint bidding and more scientific application should be encouraged.Traditional and

关 键 词: 现代奥林匹克运动会 内部结构性 治理

领  域: [文化科学]




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