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Growth analysis of Leucaena leucocephala plantations with different densities

作  者: ; ; (列志旸); (许松葵); (黄威龙);

机构地区: 华南农业大学

出  处: 《中南林业科技大学学报》 2016年第6期70-74,共5页

摘  要: 对不同密度(1、2、4和8株/m2)的银合欢Leucaena leucocephala林木的胸径、树高、冠幅和枝下高进行调查,研究其生长规律,以期为这种树种的密度管理提供参考。研究结果表明,随着密度的增加,林分平均胸径和平均冠幅按幂指数函数减小,平均树高随密度的增加而减少,但是不同密度间的个体差异不如胸径明显。树木的高径比随密度增加而上升,其关系可用对数曲线拟合。枝下高与林分密度呈线性正相关。 Stand density affects stand growth. The growth was studied by measuring diameter at breast height(DBH), tree height, crown width and clear bole height in young Leucaena leucocephala stands with different densities(1, 2, 4 and 8 trees/m^2) to provide theory basis for density management of this species. The results showed that with increasing stand density, mean DBH and mean crown width of L. leucocephala stands decreased according to the equation of power exponent. Mean tree height decreased with increasing stand density, but difference in individuals with different densities was not evident as DBH. The height-diameter ratio of the L. leucocephala increased with increasing density, and both relationship can be simulated by a logarithm curve. There was a positive linear correlation between clear bole height and stand density.

关 键 词: 银合欢 密度 生长分析

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [生物学]




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