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Consensus Consultation:An Alternative Approach to the Urban Renewal Reports

作  者: ; (林子皓);

机构地区: 中山大学传播与设计学院

出  处: 《广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第3期62-68,共7页

摘  要: 借助中山市2013年西城改造项目讨论旧城改造报道的另一种可能。中山市地方政府创造了一套媒介公开程序,形成意见相对多元的协商平台,大量立体、动态、相对全面的拆迁信息得以呈现;与聚焦于悲情"钉子户"个体的简单叙述模式形成区隔。但是,这次共识型协商并没有体现出足够包容和平衡的参与,在一定程度上削弱了公共协商对于政策方案的积极建构,具有利用自身优势造成不平等对话地位、"驯服"民意之嫌。与此同时,对政策持保留意见的当地民众通过媒体渠道和政府直接对话的意愿和能力均较低,民众对公共辩论的低效能感值得深思。 This paper carries out a case study on the urban renewal project conducted in Zhongshan City of Guangdong Province in 2013 and puts forward the Model of Media Consensus Consultation so as to provide an alternative ap- proach to the urban renewal reports. The local government of Zhongshan City creates a set of media publicity procedure and constructs a consultation platform for multilateral opinions, which presents a lot of multilateral, dynamic and rela- tively comprehensive relocation information. Such a Model is different from the simplified narrative model which focuses on the pathos of the holdouts. However, the lack of enough inclusiveness and balanced participation in this consensus consultation weakens to some extent the active role that the public consultation plays in policy making and leaves an impression of government's imposing une- qual dialogue and repressing public opimon with the power it possesses. Meanwhile, it deserves further study that some local people who have reservations about the policies show unwillingness and poor ability to have a dialogue directly with the government via media and the public consider public debate to be of little efficiency.

关 键 词: 媒介化抗争 共识性协商 媒体素养

领  域: [经济管理] [社会学]


作者 胡三明
作者 金娟
作者 纪燕妮
作者 吕雅琼
作者 龚家文


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 深圳大学传播学院


作者 张书军
作者 张建梅
作者 张恩施
作者 彭劲松
作者 徐来