机构地区: 南昌工程学院经济贸易学院
出 处: 《软科学》 2016年第3期41-45,共5页
摘 要: 使用倍差法并运用相对数模型和绝对数模型研究了长三角区域一体化对地区污染排放收敛的影响。相对数模型研究结果发现2003年长三角一体化加速促进了三省市的污染排放收敛;绝对数模型研究结果表明区域一体化有利于各省市的污染排放程度的降低,尤其有利于促进污染排放强度下降式收敛。 This paper uses difference in difference method to analyze the influence of the Yangtze River delta regional integration to the regional pollution emissions convergence,by the relative model and the absolute model. The relative model research results show that,the Yangtze river delta regional integration accelerates to promote the three provinces of pollution emissions convergence from 2003. At the same time,the absolute model research result suggests that regional integration is advantageous to the various provinces reduce pollution emissions,especially is beneficial to promote the pollution emissions intensity downward convergence.