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Comparative Study on Effect of Different Modes of River Basin Ecological Compensation Policies:Empirical Analysis Based on Data of Water Quality of Minjiang and Ganjiang

作  者: ;

机构地区: 厦门大学

出  处: 《福建行政学院学报》 2015年第6期1-9,共9页

摘  要: 我国在生态补偿实践中形成了多种不同的补偿政策或模式,学术界虽然已经关注到不同政策设计与补偿模式的差异问题,却并未通过对不同政策效果的实证分析揭示出什么样的政策设计效果更佳,从而无法为政策改进提供足够的数据支撑。以江西赣江和福建闽江的源头水质数据和Ⅰ-Ⅲ类水质占比的季节差分数据为基础,考察两种流域生态补偿政策模式中,哪种模式对河流水质产生的影响更为有效。研究发现,江西赣江的生态补偿政策效果整体上优于福建闽江,但是在促使源头水质改善方面,闽江的生态补偿政策效果更为突出。如果要确保生态补偿政策能够对河流水质产生积极影响,水质标准应该尽可能设置得高一些,同时,必须保证生态补偿资金来源的稳定性。 Various ecological compensation policies have been adopted by local governments in China.The difference between ecological compensation policies has been discussed by scholars.However,there is no empirical analysis on the effect of different policies that reveals which kind of policy design is better,which can not provide sufficient data support for policy improvement.Based on the season difference data of the river source water and ratio of theⅠ-Ⅲ water within the whole basins of Ganjiang and Minjiang,this paper testifies which kind of ecological compensation policies on the river water quality is more effective.We have found that the policy effect of Ganjiang is better than that of Minjiang in general except for the effect on the water quality improvement in river source.If we want to ensure the positive effect of the river water quality,the criteria for the quality of surface water in the policy should be set higher and the financial source of ecological compensation should be stable.

关 键 词: 流域生态补偿 水质变化 闽江 赣江

领  域: [水利工程]


作者 张智鹏
作者 周映华
作者 杨爱平
作者 朱伟杰
作者 李亚培


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院


作者 万俊毅
作者 刘小玲
作者 吴宏超
作者 莫易娴
作者 周兆钿