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Safety Analysis of Completion Tubing Considering The Vibration During Well Startup or Shutdown

作  者: ; ; (王蕾琦);

机构地区: 西安石油大学

出  处: 《石油矿场机械》 2015年第10期11-15,共5页

摘  要: 油田现场进行开关井作业时,管柱内压瞬时变化会引起管柱大幅受迫振动。考虑实际工况,改进了输流管道的水锤分析模型,使其适用于分析完井管柱在水锤作用下的振动特性。根据现场试验数据对比了开井工况下和排液工况下的振动加速度与振动频率。运用有限元软件Abaqus建立了三维有限元管柱模型,求得了管柱振型图、固有频率,然后对模型施加加速度得到其在危险时刻的应力分布情况。最后以管柱所受应力为指标,评价了在开关井工况下完井管柱的安全性。分析结果表明:开关井工况下完井管柱振动相对更为剧烈,且极易发生破坏性的共振,甚至会造成管柱的塑形变形。因此在开关井工况下,由于管柱的强烈受迫振动所产生的安全性隐患必须引起充分重视。 In the oil field when the well be opened or closed sometimes,instantaneous changes of tubing’s internal pressure will cause acute tubing vibration.According to actual condition,this pa-per improved hammer analysis model of pipeline to make it apply to hammer analysis of comple-tion tubing.According to the field experiment data,comparison of the difference of vibration de-gree between the condition of well startup and liquid discharge is made.By finite element software vibration model diagram,natural frequency,and the stress distribution at dangerous moment are achieved after vibration acceleration is forced to the model.Finally stress as evaluation index is taken to evaluate the safety of completion tubing when the well be opened or closed.The analysis results show that,during well startup or shutdown completion tubing vibration is more intense, and occur destructive resonance easily,even cause plastic deformation of tubing.

关 键 词: 完井管柱 水锤效应 固有频率 应力 安全性分析

领  域: [石油与天然气工程]


作者 童维贞
作者 陈卓儒


机构 广州体育学院
机构 广州中医药大学


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