机构地区: 深圳大学中国经济特区研究中心
出 处: 《经济研究》 2015年第9期58-71,共14页
摘 要: 改善代际流动性,对提升人力资本效率和避免中等收入陷阱至关重要。本文使用CHNS数据,基于Altham指标和反事实分析,从年龄群组的视角考察中国代际流动性变迁的趋势与原因。研究发现,中国城镇居民代际流动性在60后、70后与80后群组间呈现先降后升的趋势,即60后代际流动性最高,70后代际流动性最低,80后代际流动性居中。教育是影响职业阶层的最重要因素,其重要性随时代演进而增强。教育不平等效应对不同年龄群组的代际流动性变迁具有重要影响,尤其对70后代际流动性的下降具有很强的解释力。教育不平等效应取决于家庭背景差异对子女教育的影响、教育体系不平等程度、教育在劳动力市场中的重要性三种因素。旨在改善代际流动的政策设计,应以上述三种因素为着力点。 Improving social mobility is important for China to fully explore the value of human capital so as to avoid the middle-income trap. This paper employs CHNS data, Ahham index and counter-factual methodology to analyze the trends and causes of China's social mobility. It is found that the inter-generational mobility of urban Chinese experienced an inverse-U type changes. The 1960s cohort and 1970s cohort respectively have the highest and the lowest level mobility, while the mobility of the 1980s cohort lies between the former two cohorts. Education is found as the most important factor influencing social mobility. Education inequality explains a large part of social mobility changes. The effect of education inequality depends on three factors: family background difference, inequality of education system and labor market.