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Analysis of Movement and Precipitation of Typhoon Fitow(1323)

作  者: ; ; ; (胡润杰); (李侠丽);

机构地区: 安徽农业大学资源与环境学院

出  处: 《中国农学通报》 2015年第24期237-241,共5页

摘  要: 为探究台风移动路径及降水影响因素,运用fortran软件对NECP/NCAR数据和NOAA降水资料进行计算处理并用Grads软件出图,从大尺度环流背景和水汽输送分析台风"菲特"移动路径及降水成因。结果表明:"菲特"由生成到登陆过程都受到副高和西风带影响。期间,台风"丹娜丝"通过推进副高西进加快"菲特"登陆;"菲特"在移动过程中,10月1日02时—2日08时受强引导气流影响而加速,2日14时—4日14时因该引导气流减弱而移速减小,从4日20时始在副高西进增强引导气流作用下向西转向并加速。此次台风降水过程(6日—9日)中,浙北余姚地区和浙东南地区均存在降水高值区。从副高南缘洋面上延伸到江浙地区的1条完整水汽输送带持续为"菲特"提供水汽造成浙江强降水。 The paper aims to explore the influencing factors on typhoon' s track and precipitation. Based on the NECP/NCAR and NOAA data and the precipitation data, and by using fortran software and Grads software, the causes of typhoon Fitow' s movement and precipitation were analyzed from the perspective of large seale circulation and water vapor transportation. Results showed that Fitow was continuously affected by subtropical high and westerly belt from its generating to landing. During this period, typhoon Danas pushed the subtropieal high westwards and accelerated the Fitow' s landing. In the process of moving, Fitow was accelerated from October 1at 02:00 to 2nd 08:00 because of the strong steering flow and the moving speed decreased from 2nd 14:00 to 4th 14:00 due to the weakened steering flow. However, at 44 20:00 it began to turn to west and aceelerated when subtropical high moved westward due to the enhanced steering flow. The big proportion of precipitation caused by Fitow (October 6th -9th) happened in Yuyao in northern Zhejiang and the southeast of Zhejiang. The whole vapor belt from southern of the subtropical high in the Pacific Ocean to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provided a continuous supply of water to Fitow and caused a heavy rainfall in Zhejiang Province.

关 键 词: 菲特 引导气流 移动路径 水汽输送

领  域: [天文地球]


作者 雷从华
作者 谭成珠
作者 贾灿灿


机构 东莞理工学院图书馆
机构 中山大学环境科学与工程学院大气科学系
机构 吉林大学珠海学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学


作者 徐锦堂
作者 张祖荣
作者 曲进
作者 黄霓
作者 林平凡