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The Development and Disappearance of the Chinese Complex Ancient Capitals

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院

出  处: 《城市规划学刊》 2015年第4期91-98,共8页

摘  要: 商代晚期,面对日益严重的外部挑战,为了加强京畿地区的防御,开始强调大邑(庞大都城)的制作,并结合当时的社会条件,营造了大殷墟、朝歌主导的多极并举的"聚合型"都城。几乎与其同时,周人通过采用"春出冬入"的城邑农户管理制度,创造了军事协同能力更强的以"三十里地夹一河"为构成特征的丰镐并举的新型都城。此后,为了更好地应对"天子独尊"的景象要求,秦人在"三十里地夹一河"的基础上营建了渭南宗庙区主导的,渭北宫殿区夹水配合的,阿房宫西南辅助的新型都城。西汉统筹周、秦的都城建设实践,制作了以长安为核心的、长陵邑隔河三十里支持的、多个陵邑为翼辅的"聚合型"都城。在特定条件下,为了支持庞大都城的存在,强有力的对外交通系统成为必须。动员了全国之力的都城对外交通系统的营建,在中国大一统的空间格局形成上起着不客忽视的作用。 As the late Shang Dynasty was confronted with growing external chal lenges, in order to strengthen the defense of Gyeonggi region, it began to empha size the building of a huge capital and hence created acomplex capital form domi nated by Zhaoge and Yin ruins. At the same time, the Zhou People built a new capital featuring "thirty miles to clip a river" by adopting the rural household management system of "Spring out and Winter in". Later, in order to further cen ter the position of the Emperor, the Qin people developed their new capital by following the principle of "thirty miles to clip a river". The new capital was dom inated by Weinan temple area which was connected with Weibei area water Palace and the ancillary Apanggong. The Western Han synthesizied the past citybuilding experiences and created a highly complex capital with Chang'an as the core and Changling and several Mausoleums Foedas ancillary areas. Under special histori cal conditions, a strong external transport system became critical for supporting a large capital and maintaining the unified Greater China.

关 键 词: 聚合型都城 大邑 陵邑 漕运

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 曹亚军
作者 王继东
作者 胡玉兰
作者 郝红暖
作者 胡玉兰


机构 中山大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 深圳大学文学院
机构 香港中文大学


作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇