作 者: ;
机构地区: 四川外国语大学
出 处: 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2015年第2期76-82,共7页
摘 要: 王韬是晚清社会较早接触西学的著名文人。1849年到1853年底,他在上海墨海书馆襄助传教士翻译《圣经》。由于他流畅地道甚至带有儒学色彩的译文风格,该译本显得颇为与众不同,成为当时在中国传播最为广泛的一个译本。1862年到1872年,他在香港和英国协助理雅各翻译《中国经典》后三卷,为中国文化走出去贡献良多。 Wang Tao is a prestigious scholar for his pioneering contact with western learning in the late Qing dynasty. Thanks to his participation in the translation of the Bible at the London Missionary Society Press,Shanghai,from 1849 to 1853,that Chinese version is unique and characterized by a smooth and Confucianism style,becoming the most popular version at that time. From 1862 to 1872,he had helped the translation of The Chinese Classics rendered by James Legge in Hong Kong and Britain,having contributed a lot to the transmission of Chinese culture in the West.
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