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红鳍笛鲷(Lutjanus erythopterus)胚胎发育的形态学研究
Researches on the morphology of embryonic development of red snapper, Lutjanus erythopterus

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学水产学院

出  处: 《海洋通报》 2015年第3期252-259,共8页

摘  要: 通过显微直接观察法对红鳍笛鲷胚胎发生的形态学进行了研究,以期为红鳍笛鲷人工繁殖、育苗提供参考资料。红鳍笛鲷胚胎的形态发生过程可分为受精卵、卵裂、囊胚、原肠胚、神经胚、器官形成等6个阶段,24个时期。红鳍笛鲷受精卵为浮性卵,透明而呈圆球形,内有一大油球,在水温28℃、海水盐度32.2的条件下,受精后15 min原生质隆起形成胚盘;受精后30 min进行第1次卵裂,为盘状卵裂;受精后3 h,胚胎进入高囊胚期;受精后6 h 27 min,胚胎发育至原肠期;受精后9 h 36 min形成神经板,继而神经板前端分化出前脑泡、中脑泡和后脑泡;脑泡分化后,视囊、听囊、晶状体等相继形成;受精后15 h 32 min尾芽形成;受精后约20 h,仔鱼出膜。其发育过程与黄鲷、金头鲷、点带石斑等其他海水鱼相似。 In order to provide the reference for the artificial propagation and breeding, the morphological process of early embryonic development of red snapper (Lutjanus erythopterus) was surveyed directly by microscopy in this paper. The early embryonic morphogenesis process of red snapper can be divided into 6 stages, including fertilized eggs, cleavage, blastula, gastrula, neurula and organ formation, and 24 periods. The fertilized egg of red snapper is the floating egg, transparent and spherical in shape, with a large oil granule. Under the conditions of water temperature 28℃ and salinity 32.2, the egg plasm began to concentrate towards the animal pole of the egg and formed a blastoderm, 15 min after fertilization. It began of the first cleavage, 30 min after fertilization, as discoidal cleavage. 3 h after the fertilization, embryo entered the high blastula stage and 5 h 42 min after the fertilization, the blastoderm in the yolk was gradually extended to the surrounding and became the low blastula stage. 6 h 27 min after the fertilization, the embryo developed into the gastrula stage. 9 h 36 min after the fertilization, the neural plate formed. Then, the neural plate changed into neural tube. The front of the neural tube expanded into 3 brain vesicles, namely, forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. After the brain vesicles differentiated, the optic vesicles, otic vesicle and lens formed in succession. The caudal bud appeared 15 h 32 min after the fertilization and about 20 h after the fertilization, a large number of larvae hatched.

关 键 词: 红鳍笛鲷 胚胎发育 形态发生

领  域: [生物学]




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