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Improvement on Drilling Posture in Tunneling

作  者: ; ; ; (柴双龙); (王浩佳);

机构地区: 中国矿业大学矿业工程学院

出  处: 《煤炭工程》 2015年第4期75-77,共3页

摘  要: 为了减缓平煤集团掘进面掘进钻眼工作业疲劳程度,对十矿井下掘进面不同炮眼布置和角度下掘进钻眼工作业姿势进行了研究,并采用CATIA仿真模拟出掘进钻眼工不同作业姿势下身体各部位疲劳程度。研究表明:掘进钻眼工26种作业姿势最容易疲劳的部位是腰部、腿部和脚踝,其中又以斜向上3°、下蹲606mm的作业姿势最为疲劳,通过改善作业姿势和设备能够有效降低掘进钻眼工作业疲劳程度,减缓职业病患病几率,提高作业效率。 In order to slow down the fatigue level of tunneling drilling workers of Pingdingshan Coal Mining Group, the working postures were studied under different borehole layouts and angles in No. 10 mine. Through CATIA analogue simulation, the fatigue level of each body part under different postures was analyzed. It was shown that under the 26 postures, waist, thigh and ankle are most vulnerable to fatigue. Besides, 3 ° oblique upwardness and 606mm squatting postures are the most exhausted. The fatigue level may be mitigated effectively by optimizing working postures and equipment, leading to decline of occupational disease risk and improvement of working effieienev.

关 键 词: 巷道掘进 钻眼工 疲劳程度 作业姿势

领  域: [矿业工程]




作者 范福军