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Effect of Urban Garden on Urban Heat Island and 3-dimensional Analysis:A Case Study in Guangzhou

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广州大学地理科学学院

出  处: 《生态环境学报》 2014年第11期1792-1798,共7页

摘  要: 随着城市的快速发展,城市热岛(UHI)问题越来越突出,如何缓解城市发展所带来的热岛效应加剧,提高居民健康生活质量,改善人居环境,已成为全民关注的重点生态环境问题。在高度发达的城市区域,绿地对城市热岛具有明显的降温效应,因此对其进行定量研究具有重要意义。文章基于遥感和GIS的方法,通过热环境反演和空间统计分析,以广州市主城区30块主要城市公园为研究对象,分别从城市绿地形态、城市绿地缓冲区和热环境三维分析3个方面研究了城市绿地对城市热岛的影响。结果显示:城市绿地形态(面积,周长,形状指数)与公园的温度具有较强的对数相关性,并且随着三者的增大,绿地内部均温和最低温度均降低,并且呈现"饱和"趋势;通过对城市公园斑块建立3个缓冲区(120、240、360 m),并进行缓冲区内的均温统计发现,30个城市公园的温度变化呈现出3种情形,即自内向外变高、变低和不变;最后,为了更好的解释上述3种情形,引入三维热环境分析,对3种情形分别选取代表性公园进行分析,总结其空间分布规律,结合相关数据对产生的这种结果进行了简要分析。本文的主要创新点,在对城市公园与热环境关系传统分析的基础上,引入三维的分析方法,能够更加清晰的展示二者的关系,为未来的相关研究提供一定的借鉴。 With the rapid urbanization, urban heat island (UHI) has become the ecological problems focused nationally. How to relieve increasing urban heat island effect under the quickly urban expansion, improve residents' quality of life and improve human settlements, has become a universal concerned eco-environmental problem. In highly developed urban areas, green spaces with cooling effect, therefore, it is of great significance to quantitative research. Based on geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS), with derivation of land surface temperature (LST) and spatial statistical analysis, this paper analysis the effect on UHI of urban green land from three aspects, using the major 30 green lands in Guangzhou as a case study. Results show that pattern of urban green land (area, perimeter, shape index) and the temperature of green land have strong correlation;meanwhile, with the increasing of these three indexes(area, perimeter, shape index), average temperature and lowest temperature appear as"saturation“trend within the green land. With the statistics of average temperature in three buffer(120 m, 240 m, 360 m), temperature variation show three situation from the inside out, namely higher, lower and invariant. At last, in order to explain the above three scenarios better, a three-dimensional (3D) analysis method was introduced. We select typical green lands in three situations above, analyze and summarize their spatial distribution regulation, and give a brief analysis. The main innovation of this paper is: based on the traditional research, we introduce a 3Danalysis method, which makes the relationship between urban and LST clearer, and the result could provide a reference for feature research.

关 键 词: 城市公园 城市热岛 三维分析 广州市

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 古春凤
作者 关鑫
作者 徐秀玉
作者 冯培明
作者 袁苏


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学国际文化学院
机构 广东工贸职业技术学院
机构 广州大学旅游学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 覃剑
作者 王逢文
作者 崔书琴
作者 吴贤静
作者 吴大磊