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Study on the Cracking Grade Evaluation for Drainage Pipe lines

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学土木与交通工程学院

出  处: 《特种结构》 2014年第6期105-109,共5页

摘  要: 城镇排水管道在运行的过程中,常会由于各种原因造成管道破裂。这些破裂缺陷如何影响排水管道承载能力,是排水管道缺陷等级定义和评估要解决的问题。目前国内对排水管道破裂缺陷的研究比较有限,本文主要利用塑料管道作为模型试件,参照《城镇排水管道检测与评估技术规程》CJJ181-2012对破裂缺陷等级的划分,对试件模拟了叉形和圆形缺陷,并进行环刚度、抗压强度、外压破坏荷载试验研究,探讨管道破裂缺陷等级与缺陷数量的等效关系,以及缺陷位置和缺陷分布对管道破坏的影响。结果表明,1个2级叉形破裂缺陷与4个1级叉形破裂缺陷是等效的;1个4级圆形破裂缺陷与7个3级圆形破裂缺陷是等效的;相比排水管道顶部,管道侧壁是排水塑料管道的缺陷敏感区域;管道缺陷分布越均匀,对管道破坏程度越大。 In the process of daily use, town drainage pipeline fracture often occured due to various reasons. How the fracture defects affect the bearing capacity of drainage pipelines is a problem which the should be solved in drainage pipeline detection and evaluation. The current domestic research on drainage pipeline rupture defect is limited. Taking plastic pipe as a model of the specimen in this article and refering to the technical specification for inspection and evaluation of urban sewer (CJJ181-2002) division of cracking defect levels, the fork and circular defects specimens were simulated, and the ring stiffness, compressive strength and compressive fracture load experiments were studied, the equivalent relationship between the cracking defect levels and defects number of the pipeline and the influence of defect position and defect distribution on pipeline failure was discussed. The results showed that a level 2fork cracking defect was equivalent with four level 1 fork crack deject. A level 4 circular cracking defect was equivalent with seven level 3 circular crack defect was equivalent. Compared to the top of the drainage pipe, pipe wall was the defects pipe sensitive areas of plastic drainage. Pipeline defect distribution was more uniform, pipe damage was greater.

关 键 词: 排水管道 缺陷 环刚度 抗压强度 外压破坏荷载

领  域: [建筑科学]




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