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Studies on Resistance of Corn Varieties to Corn Aphid

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 安徽农业大学植物保护学院

出  处: 《生物灾害科学》 2014年第4期288-292,共5页

摘  要: 通过田间试验,研究安徽淮北玉米产区33个常用玉米品种对玉米蚜的抗虫性。结果表明:不同玉米品种的抗蚜性差异很大。33个供试玉米品种的相对抗蚜性排序依次为:苏玉10﹥浚单20﹥郑单23﹥蠡玉13﹥秦龙14﹥先玉335﹥郑单958﹥鲁单6018﹥苏玉20﹥金赛6850﹥中农大311﹥迪卡1号﹥中科11、申源213﹥皖玉17、东单80﹥鲁单661、弘大8号、滑玉13﹥安农8号﹥浚单18、农乐988﹥齐单1号、济单8号﹥益丰29﹥中农大236﹥中迪985﹥蠡玉35、蠡玉16﹥中科4号﹥农大108﹥登海3号﹥隆平206。其中抗性最强的苏玉10与抗性最弱的隆平206,相对抗蚜指数相差达20.2倍。 A field experiment was made to study the resistance of 33 corn varieties to corn aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis) in the North to Huaihe River of Anhui Province. The results showed that there were great differences of resistance to corn aphid between corn varieties. Among 33 corn varieties tested, the index of relative resistance to corn aphid of Suyu 10 had the greatest resistance to corn aphid, which was 20.2 times of that of Longping 206 which had the lowest resistance to corn aphid. The order of the resistance of 33 corn varieties to corn aphid was showed as follows:Suyu 10﹥Xundan 20﹥Zhengdan 23﹥Liyu 13﹥Qinlong 14﹥Xianyu 335﹥Zhengdan 958﹥Ludan 6018﹥Suyu 20﹥Jinsai 6850﹥Zhongnongda 311﹥Dika 1﹥Zhongke 11, Shenyuan 213﹥Wanyu17, Dongdan 80﹥Ludan 661, Hongda 8, Huayu 13﹥Annong 8﹥Xundan 18, Nongle 988﹥Qidan 1, Jidan 8﹥Yifeng 29﹥Zhongnongda 236﹥Zhongdi 985﹥Liyu 35, Liyu 16﹥Zhongke 4﹥Nongda 108﹥Denghai 3﹥Longping 206.

关 键 词: 玉米品种 抗虫性 玉米蚜

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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