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An Investigative Research on Regulation and Control of Social Disputes in Guangzhou in the Early 20th Century

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州市社会科学院

出  处: 《史学月刊》 2014年第8期101-111,共11页

摘  要: 20世纪前期是中国传统社会控制模式发生深刻变化的时期,多种矛盾交互汇集,纠纷发酵,在城市中的表现尤其典型。就广州的情况而言,这一时期政府与民间组织在纠纷应对中显示出了一定的互补性,但调解本身仍然呈现出无序化和多方博弈的特征。在具体涉及水利、铺权、寺庙集资、工团、劳资等多发纠纷中,广州社会始终有多种力量对这类社会紧迫问题进行关注并参与其中,以寻求在公共事务中扮演角色。在群体性的水利纠纷事件处置中,政府、公益组织和乡绅名流三种力量的表现具有一定差异,呈现出了递进层次关系。究其原因,在于乡绅名流对事件的熟悉程度、介入程度及期待程度最优。在铺权产权纠纷中,政府习惯于采取含混不清的安抚方式进行处理,但没有摆正公平利益原则。在寺庙集资纠纷中,由于政府管理程序的严谨性本身面临质疑,导致矛盾难以有效平息。在工团、劳资纷争中,政府的主导性明显,社会贤达人士的感化作用也不可低估。总体看来,缺少政府与民间协作的综合的、条理性的机制,是民国前期广州纠纷调解中的一种普遍缺位现象,由此导致社会调解资源的宏观整合不足。而放眼全国形势,民国时代制度文明难产的共性特征明显。 Chinese traditional mode of social control had experienced deep changes in the early 20th century, and a mixture of various contradictions and conflicts appeared especially in urban society. In the case of Guangzhou city, government and civic organizations were complementary in dealing with disputes, yet regulating work was out of order and influenced by various interests. Many social forces who sought to play a part in public affairs paid attention to and took active role in solving disputes involving water projects, property, temple fund raising, worker organization and conflicts between labor and capital. Government, public service organization and social elites had different yet everincreasing contributions in solving water disputes because the gentlemen were more familiar with the issues and involved in more deep and had higher expectation. Government were accustomed to ambiguous appeasing method in dealing with property disputes at the cost of interest equity. Since rigor of regulating precedence was questioned in temple fund raising issues so this kind of dispute can not be effectively silenced. Government played dominant role in solving worker organization and struggle between labor and capital, but social elite's role should not be underestimated. In the whole there had no collaborative mechanisms for comprehensive and systematic cooperation between government and civic organization,no sufficient macroscopic integration of social regulating resources. No system civilization came into being in the Republic of China.

关 键 词: 水利纠纷 铺权争夺 工团纷争 集资争执 政府调控

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 邢照华
作者 卢妙清
作者 赵蕾
作者 张永攀
作者 曹梦柯


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟