作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东财经大学
出 处: 《辞书研究》 2014年第4期10-19,93,共10页
摘 要: 随着电子技术在社会上的广泛运用,电子词典正逐渐取代纸质词典,成为广大用户的首选。词典编纂过程中,各种电子工具的使用,极大地提高了编纂质量和效率。电子词典学也逐渐成为研究范围越来越广泛、学术影响越来越深远的词典学分支学科。文章分析了电子词典的发展和分类、电子词典学的定义和范围,重点评介了《电子词典学》一书,并介绍了电子词典学的最新研究成果。 The extensive application of electronic technology has enabled electronic dictionaries to replace paper dictionaries as the user's first choice. Due to the use of electronic tools,the efficiency of dictionary compilation and the quality of dictionaries have been greatly improved. As a result,electronic lexicography has gradually become a far-reaching and more influential branch of lexicographical studies. This paper,based on a review of Electronic Lexicography,probes into the development and classification of electronic dictionaries and the definition and scope of study of electronic lexicography and introduces the latest achievements in electronic lexicography.
领 域: [文化科学]