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The Induced Estrus of Postpartum Anoestrus Cows

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 云南农业大学

出  处: 《云南农业大学学报》 1991年第1期56-61,共6页

摘  要: 本研究用奶牛初乳、新斯的明、孕激素和孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)处理产后乏情奶牛,测定处理后24头奶牛乳汁中孕酮(P_4)和17β-雌二醇(17β-E_2)水平变化。结果表明:初乳对产后乏情奶牛的诱导发情作用,可能与处理后乳汁17β-E_2/P_4增加有关;注射初乳时,配合用新斯的明能提高发情率;产后乏情奶牛,用初乳十新斯的明+LRH-A_2方法处理,可有效地诱导发情,且受胎率较高。 Trial of induced estrus for 60 postpartum anoestrus (about postpartum50 days) cows was conducted. The test cows were separated into four groups randomly: 1.20ml colostrum was administered as a signle injection I. M.; 2. injection of 20ml colostrum and 10mg prozerine I. M.; 3. treated by implanting 60 mg MGA for 9 days, injecting 1000 I. U. PMSG/cow at the 7th day; 4. control group. The milk levels changes of progestorone and estrodiol-17β before and after estrus induction for 24 anoestrus cows were assayed by radioimmunoassy. The result showed that the effect of induced estrus of colostrum on postpartum anoestrus cows may be related to the rise of ratios of 17β-E_2 (pg/ml) to P_4 (ng/ ml); Using prozerine can improve the effect of colostrum of estrus induction; In the postpartum anoestrus cows, treated with colostrum prozerine and LRH-A_2, were effective for induced estrus, and a higher pregnant rate follows the induced estrus which may shorten the interval between brith and pregnancy.

关 键 词: 奶牛 产后 诱导发情

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


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