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Study on Effects of Lactoprofein on whipping CreamQuality

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学食品与生物工程学院

出  处: 《食品科学》 2002年第6期59-63,共5页

摘  要: 本文重点研究了不同的乳蛋白用量和种类对搅打稀奶油品质的影响。结果表明,在一定的范围内,乳蛋白的用量增加对搅打稀奶油的泡沫稳定性、泡沫强度、脱水收缩等都有较明显的改善;但使搅打稀奶油的油腻感加重,入口即化感变差,对搅打稀奶油的膨胀率和搅打时间的影响较小。乳蛋白的用量在1.0%左右,搅打稀奶油综合指标较好。在乳蛋白总量不变的情况下,酪蛋白的用量增加使搅打稀奶油的持水性变好,泡沫的硬挺性和稳定性有较明显的增加,但入口即化感变差,膨胀率降低;乳清蛋白用量增加使搅打稀奶油的入口即化感变好,光泽度变好,细腻度也有变好,油腻感减轻,但使搅打稀奶油泡沫硬挺性和泡沫稳定性、脱水收缩变差,搅打时间延长。结果表明,酪蛋白酪乳清蛋白的比例为2∶1时,搅打稀奶油综合指标较好。 This papermainlystudiedtheeffects ofdifferentdosages andkinds ofla ctoproteinonthequalityofwhippin g cream.The results indicated that in crasing dosages of lactoprotein cou ld improve the stability,strength a nd the con-tractivedehydrationofthewhippin gcream.Nevertherless itcausedthe worseningoftheinstantthawness greasier taste,and made little effects on expansivity and whipping time of the cream.The optimumdosage of lactoprotein was a bout 1.0%.Withconstant dosage of lactop rotein,the increased addition of ca sein couldimprove the water -retain ing,sta-bility and strength of the whipping c reamfoam,but decreased the instant thawness and expansivity of foam.In creased additionoflactoalbumincouldimpr ovetheinstantthawness,lusterand exquisitedegree,reducethegreasiness taste,yet worsen the stability,strength andt he contractive dehydraion of the whi pping cream,and extendthe whipping time.The results showed that the optimumratio of casein to lactalbuminwas 2∶1?

关 键 词: 乳蛋白 搅打稀奶油 品质影响 泡沫稳定性 强度 用量 奶油食品

领  域: [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程]




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