机构地区: 暨南大学生命科学技术学院水生生物研究所
出 处: 《海洋科学》 2002年第4期13-16,共4页
摘 要: 在不同的温度下对翡翠贻贝的摄食、耗氧、排氨、同化效率及能量收支等进行实验研究。结果表明 ,在设定的温度范围内 ,翡翠贻贝的摄食率、耗氧率、排氨率随温度的增加而增大 ,而同化效率则没有显著变化。在低温时 ,摄入的能量中分配于生长的比例较小 ,而代谢耗能和排泄耗能所占的比例相对较大 ,因而翡翠贻贝的生长较慢甚至出现负生长 ;而在高温时 ,翡翠贻贝由于用于生长的能量比例增加 ,而损失于代谢消耗和排泄的能量比例减少 。 This paper deals with the ingestion, respiration, absorption efficiency and energy budgets of P.viridis under different temperatures from 16 to 31 ℃. The ingestion, respiration, excretion rate increased as the temperature increased, but the absorption did not change significantly. The experiments showed that the percentage of growth energy was low at low temperatures, that of respiration and energy was high, and the energy budget was negative at 16 ℃. But as the temperature increased, the percentage of the growth energe increased while that of the lost energy due to respiration and excretion decreased, and both energy budget and growth efficiency increased.