机构地区: 陕西省林业厅
出 处: 《陕西林业科技》 1991年第3期57-59,共3页
摘 要: 本文根据我省解放以来的森林火灾资料,总结了陕西森林火灾的时空特点与规律,并分析了原因。结果发现,绝大多数是人为火源造成的;多数是一般性森林火灾;时段性明显,如:春旱年份多,集中出现在2~4月份,地域性强,多发生在低(中)海拔区。 By studying the data of forest fire in Shaanxi since liber- ation,the features and regularities of forest fire have been summarized, its causes were also analysed.It was found that a lot of fires were formed by man-made sources,many fires were general types,the period and area were evident.